Saturday, July 25, 2015

First in person Tarot Card Reading / Dream Connections

On Thursday I went to have a reading with Veronica Moya at Namaste Bookshop in New York (where I live). It has been a long time since I've had an in person reading of any kind. I have visited this shop several times, but 2 weeks ago I had a strong urge to get a reading. I looked on the website and went through all of the psychic they employ. Veronica was the one who I connected with. She was one of the more expensive one. I meditated on it and my intuition told me that the extra $10 would not equal the benefits I would get from her reading.

She tuned in to me very easily. She uses Tarot Cards but I could see her reading my energy field. She picked up on everything that was happening. Before I had my reading, I was feeling stuck in my spiritual life as well as my social life. While waiting for my turn, I started to feel my heart chakra close and tears come to my eyes. It has been a rough month and I wasn't sure she would be able to help or see anything for the future. I've been trying to be positive and co-create, but I've been feeling stagnant and that nothing is going at the speed at which I would like it to go.

She picked up on all of it and told me the plans that I have will put me on the right track. My intuition is very strong and I should stop 2nd guessing myself. I think 2nd guessing is a human emotion for those who are highly intuitive or not. I am not a very confident intuitive, I have to work on it.
I was feeling much better after the reading. My energy started to flow through my heart chakra and I felt lighter. Nothing had changed, the things in front of me didn't move any closer; however, my outlook on it has and I am OK that they are not right here now. Timing is a human construct but it is to our benefit.

I have been taking her advice on my intuition.  She said my first impression on something is always the right one, but I often ignore it, discard it or listen to someone else's ideas about it.  I've been more sure footed with this.

I've also noticed that my dreams have been connecting. I have made an effort to write down my dreams or at least the parts I remember for the past month.  I've always been a vivid dreamer, but never really went as far as to document them on a daily basis.  I've only documented the ones that seemed interesting or really out there.  But lately, I've been documenting the mundane ones as well.
Turns out, my dreams connect.  Especially if I don't get the point the first time.  I had a dream on the 14th of July. I documented it.  I thought about what it could mean but didn't really come up with anything solid.  I had a dream on the 24th of July that I immediately was able to connect to the earlier dream.  The pieces fit together and I understood what I was being told.  As Veronica said, I need to not 2nd guess myself.

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