Monday, July 13, 2015

7 Day Positivity Challenge

The 7 Day Positivity Challenge
I first learned about this through a YouTube video that is put out by Leo at
This challenge is to help bring about a more positive attitude.  Usually my attitude is pretty positive, however, I’ve just gone through something that brought me down from my base set-point (which is happy) to a much lower vibration. This vibration has come about due to fear, worry, abandonment, impatience, uncertainty and confusion. For 3-weeks I’ve been walking around crying in my soup and moping around like my life is worthless.  And why? Because someone hurt me, or because something happened that I didn’t anticipate?
I’ve been through 2 divorces, I’m stronger then that…right?  I thought so, but it seems that no matter how many times bad things happen, my emotional set-point plummets.  I’m doing better now, but I’m no where near where I should be.  I am having more positive and peaceful thoughts these days, and less negative ones.  Therefore, I’m going to attempt to force the hand.  7-days of no negative thoughts what so ever (this includes complaining).
You can read about the challenge <a href=” Here </a>.
Here is how this works:
For 7 consecutive days you must not allow yourself to dwell for a single moment on any kind of negative thought. 
If you break any of the other rules, you must start the 7 days all over from the beginning
You cannot focus on a negative thought or remain in a negative emotional state for more than five minutes.    Leo’s video says 60 seconds, I haven’t decided which time frame I’m going to use. But it will not exceed 5 minutes. Hopefully I will be able to catch it sooner rather than later.
You must focus on solutions.  When the negative thoughts start, the idea is to immediately start contemplating possible solutions. Spend time solving your challenges instead of focusing on them.
I especially like the last point.  However, for the ‘problem’ I’m currently having, there is no solution, so I will have to not focus on the problem and let the universe work it out or I can transcend it.
Today was the first day.  I was well aware of when my negative thoughts were creeping in.  I immediately changed them. I started to realize that they don’t come on like gang busters, but as small quiet thoughts that grow and grow until I’m worked up into a tizzy. 
I did find that although I am changing the vibration of my thoughts, currently the underlying sadness about my situation is still there.  I notice it, but don’t dwell on it.  I thought about how we had a beautiful day or how good my lunch tasted.  Anything to get my mind off of the sadness.  I’ll keep at it and one day the sadness will no longer be there.
This will be work, but I’m determined to do it.

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