Friday, July 10, 2015

Baby Psychic

A true story:

It would be years before I realized what had happened to me. I pushed it to the back of my mind as the imagination of a toddler.  I estimate they happened somewhere between my 1st and 3rd birthday.

            I slept in a crib and my brother slept in a bed in the same room.  It was early morning and it was dark outside.  My mother came into the room to wake my brother.  I saw her walk in. I turned my head and looked at her through the slats.  Then I was no longer in my crib. I was watching her from the ceiling.  I floated there as I watched her pull the blanket off of him and try to arouse him.  I looked over and saw my tiny body still in my crib.  I wasn’t alarmed by this. I was a curious spectator.  I’m not sure how long I floated there on the ceiling.  This is something I remember without fail, and I’m not sure how old I was.  I would estimate I was probably in my 2nd year.

            This next memory I think may have happened at an earlier date because I was crawling. I was sitting on the living room floor watching my mother in the bathroom combing her hair when I heard a noise in the kitchen.  Our apartment was small, and I was able to crawl from my spot to the kitchen in less than 20 knee strokes.  I peeked into the kitchen.  There I saw an orange glowing figure. It rotate toward me and smiled. The high pitched noise bothered me. At first I wasn’t afraid; I just sat there watching it.  Then it spoke to me. It said, “My name is Wigwam.”  Have you ever seen a toddler freak out for no apparent reason and wonder what was wrong with them?  You would have asked yourself that question if you were there. My sudden scream caused the figure to dissipate and did nothing but leave my mother annoyed.

            After many years of study and reflection I was finally able to put a name to these events.  The first one was astral projection.  Of course, at that age, it was spontaneous.  The second event, ahhh, now that’s a tricky one. Angel?  Spirit Guide? Ghost?  I could not tell you.  But it was another entity, and it seemed peaceful although I didn’t like it one bit.

            The fact that I remember these two events with such vividness still astonishes me.  Over the years I’ve had many different types of psychic experiences, and if I sit for a while, I can recall them. But no matter how hard I tried to suppress these events, I could not. And now…I don’t want to.

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