Monday, October 13, 2014

Start it Today!

 "In delay there lies no plenty." ~William Shakespeare

Sometimes people say to me, "I'll start in the new year."  Whether it be losing weight, changing their style, reading more...

Why wait to start something that will improve yourself?  The new year is months away. How much weight could you lose in the next 2 1/2 months? How many books can you read.  We often procrastonate when we want to change our lives, and it is always easier to say "In the New Year," especially when it is around the corner.

Procrastination is nothing more than the fear of failure.  If we wait to do something, then we are not going to fail.

If you want to start something, start it today.  If you fail, at least you can say, "I tried".

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Peace Within

Having peace within is the goal.  If things are going on in your life all around you, it should not alter your inner peace.  An outside force cannot shake true inner peace.

External turmoil will exist because there will be people who are not at peace with themselves.  They will stir up the negative energies that come from within them.

Influence with your peace.
Influence with your love.

To change your outer world, we must change our inner world.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Punctuated By Ellipses

If you can’t hear me, it’s because, I’m in parentheses. – Steven Wright

We are born and then we die.  If we are lucky, we get to enjoy life in the middle.

Some people think of birth as the beginning and death as the end.  Our souls are unable to be contained by such limited human thought.

Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul*.  Our soul proceeded our physical body and it will remain a soul long after our body is gone.

I like to think our life is punctuated by ellipses.  There are experiences that come before and experiences that follow.  What they are is unknown to us, but we know that they are.

*Quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer